While product availability is indicated on this website, we cannot guarantee the actual availability of products in our inventory for immediate delivery. We reserve the right to, without liability or prior notice, revise, discontinue, or cease production of any or all products, or to cancel any order.
Products purchased from this website are for personal use and not for resale. By placing an order, you agree that you are purchasing our products for personal use only. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel orders if we have reason to believe that purchase is not for personal use, without notice or explanation.
Occasionally, there may be typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions relating to product descriptions, pricing, and availability on this website. We reserve the right to correct such errors, inaccuracies, or omissions, and update information at any time without prior notice, including after an order has been submitted.
Unless otherwise stated, all materials including images, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, videos, and copy, that appears on this website is owned by WICKD ( and Juiceflow Studio Ltd. The aforementioned assets may not be reproduced, published, transmitted, distributed, displayed, modified, derive works from, or exploit in any way, in whole or in part thereof, without the consent of WICKD and Juiceflow Studio Ltd.
We respect our customers' data and treat such as private and confidential. We will never share such information to external parties or individuals.